Roxanna Karina Sosa PLI Fieldwork Portfolio

PLI Fieldwork Portfolio



This online portfolio captures my yearlong professional teaching journey to meeting the performance expectations as outlined in the CAPEs (California Administrator Performance Expectations) for my Preliminary Administrative Credential to be granted through UCLA's Principal Leadership Institute.

Fieldwork Supervisor: Ms. Minnie Ferguson

Site Supervisor: Principal Karina Salazar, Kingsley ES, LAUSD


"Los lenguajes son de todos y de nadie en particular.

Pertenecen, a quien los hable y a quien los escuche."

Octavio Paz

Premio Nóbel de Literatura


Special Thanks and Acknowledgements:

Ms. Sarah Ngo, Kingsley ES 3rd Grade Dual Language English Team Teacher

Principal Karina Salazar, Kingsley ES Leader 

Ms. Sonia Salgado, Kingsley ES 3rd Grade Teacher

Arnold and Delmy Sosa, Supportive Parent Team

To the Extraordinary Dual Language Students and Families of Rooms 30 and 32 at Kingsley ES, 2017-2016




For more information contact Roxanna Karina Sosa
© 2024 Roxanna Karina Sosa Published: 7/26/2017 Date Modified: 5/21/2017