edTPA Resources for Candidates at KSU


After you record – now what? Using a PC


Step 1: Import and Back up your videos to your PC

  • Make a copy of your videos on a flashdrive or on your personal computer. Store these videos in a secure location.  

o    Remember that the only approved secure online location to store your videos is Chalk and Wire.

o    You will not be able to upload videos to Chalk and Wire until you clip and compress the videos. Instructions to follow. 


Step 2: Choose Your Video Clips


  • This process should be done independently and after careful consideration regarding components outlined in:

o     your content specific handbook

o    rubrics for task 2

o    content specific rubric level progressions

o    Making Good Choices document.

  • Additionally you can use the Video Analysis Form which will walk you through the process. 
  •  Remember:  You may not edit out or change any of your lesson, but you may remove a segment of time at the start or end to isolate your lesson.


Step 3:  Clip your Video (s) and save as an MP4        


o    Remember:  You may not edit out or change any of your lesson, but you may remove a segment of time at the start or end to isolate your lesson.

Step 4: Converting and Compressing video 

Step 5: Upload Your Compressed Video to your Chalk and Wire Portfolio


Need Help? chalkandwirehelp@kennesaw.edu
Published: 10/2/2019 Date Modified: 3/1/2018